South Surrey Youth Football League

Supporting grassroots youth football

Season 2024/25

Everything you need to know about the current season are in the sections below and our Website & Systems Guide  is a useful summary. For guides regarding the FA's Club Portal click here.


If you can't find an answer to your question, please make an enquiry 

Registration, Contacts & Data Security

  • How do I register a new Club?

    Our dedicated registration pages will take you through the process step by step, but we understand you may have questions about joining that are specific to your circumstances, so you can make an enquiry there too. Please remember you must talk with your current league if you have one.

  • Where can I find the Rule 10 Agreement?

    All clubs must submit a signed and dated Rule 10 Agreement (previously Rule 7) or have a duly authorised Club Officer sign electronically when registering the Club with SSYFL.

    Download here.

  • What must I know about player registration and eligibility?

    Our key points cover responsibilities, registration lead time, important eligibility rules and more.

  • How do I find opposition contact information?

    All team contacts register in our team contacts member system to ensure data is stored and shared securely. To submit your contact details and gain access to others, register on this system.

  • Is my personal data secure?

    Yes, we have used a third party membership system which ensures your data is stored and shared securely. Find out more about how we use data and your rights on the SSYFL data privacy notice.

  • Can I display the SSYFL logo on my website?

    Yes, we are happy for you to use our logo once you become a member club.  Download it here.

  • Can I enter a team in SSYFL after the season has started?

    We will be pleased to consider late entries, even after the season has started. Whether we can help depends on the nature of your enquiry, how far our season has progressed, and your current circumstances e.g. if you are a new team, or an existing team playing elsewhere. If interested, make sure your Club Committee are aware and support your intentions, and then submit an enquiry form to and we will get back to you. If your team already plays in another league, it is important that you discuss your situation with your current league before contacting us, this may be able to address your reasons for considering a move.

  • When is the last date for player registrations?

    Officially it’s 31st March with management committee discretion to approve later. 

Rules & Match Day

  • How is your competition season structured?

    Our key points cover the formats and competition structures we offer.

  • Where do I find format, pitch size, and equipment information?

    Standard fixture formats, match durations, pitch, and equipment information etc. for all age groups are covered in the league rules and The FA's grassroots guide.

  • Where do I find fixtures & results?

    All fixtures and results are maintained on the FA's Full-Time system. Simply select your age group and division in the dropdown.

  • What must I know to manage my fixtures?

    Our key points cover responsibilities, KO times, postponements, and more.

  • How do I arrange a Referee?

    Our Referee page provides information on Referee arrangements, covering responsibilities, appointment tools, fees, and more. 

  • How do I report results and what will I see on Full-Time?

    Our key points covering responsibilities, SMS result texts, published and unpublished results, and more.

  • Who deals with match day misconduct?

    Our key points cover discipline, responsibilities, policies, procedures, and more.

  • Where can I find the Laws of mini soccer?

    Download the laws here.

  • I need to postpone what do I do?

    Read the detailed information here.

  • Do I need to worry about Temporary Dismals (Sin Bins)?

    Yes, sin bins are mandatory for all and coaches/managers/officials must have attended a course through their County FA. More information on the Surrey FA's website.

  • What are the new IFAB rules this season?

    A summary of IFAB rules can be found here.

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